Thursday, January 28, 2016

Manage IIS Using

You can do operation with IIS using C#. below is the step for it.
1st you need ServerManager dll which you can copy from :
"C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv" (or as per your system)

=> Working with the ServerManager
ServerManager server = new ServerManager();

=> Getting Sites Associated with the Server
SiteCollection sites = server.Sites;
foreach (Site site in sites)
    ApplicationDefaults defaults = site.ApplicationDefaults;

    //get the name of the ApplicationPool under which the Site runs
    string appPoolName = defaults.ApplicationPoolName;

    ConfigurationAttributeCollection attributes =  defaults.Attributes;
    foreach (ConfigurationAttribute configAttribute in attributes)
        //put code here to work with each ConfigurationAttribute

    ConfigurationAttributeCollection attributesCollection = site.Attributes;
    foreach (ConfigurationAttribute attribute in attributesCollection)
        //put code here to work with each ConfigurationAttribute

    //Get the Binding objects for this Site
    BindingCollection bindings = site.Bindings;
    foreach (Microsoft.Web.Administration.Binding binding in bindings)
        //put code here to work with each Binding

    //retrieve the State of the Site
    ObjectState siteState = site.State;

    //Get the list of all Applications for this Site
    ApplicationCollection applications = site.Applications;
    foreach (Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application application in applications)
        //put code here to work with each Application

=> Getting Applications Associated with each Site
ApplicationCollection applications = site.Applications;
foreach (Microsoft.Web.Administration.Application application in applications)
    //get the name of the ApplicationPool
    string applicationPoolName = application.ApplicationPoolName;

    VirtualDirectoryCollection directories = application.VirtualDirectories;
    foreach (VirtualDirectory directory in directories)
        //put code here to work with each VirtualDirectory

=> Getting Virtual Directories Associated with each Application
VirtualDirectoryCollection directories = application.VirtualDirectories;
foreach (VirtualDirectory directory in directories)
    ConfigurationAttributeCollection attribues = directory.Attributes;
    foreach (ConfigurationAttribute attribute in attributes)
        //put code here to work with each attribute

    ConfigurationChildElementCollection childElements = directory.ChildElements;
    foreach (ConfigurationElement element in childElements)
        //put code here to work with each ConfigurationElement

    //get the directory.Path
    string path = directory.Path;

    //get the physical path
    string physicalPath = directory.PhysicalPath;

=> Getting Application Pools Associated with a Server

ServerManager server = new ServerManager();

ApplicationPoolCollection applicationPools = server.ApplicationPools;
foreach (ApplicationPool pool in applicationPools)
    //get the AutoStart boolean value
    bool autoStart = pool.AutoStart;

    //get the name of the ManagedRuntimeVersion
    string runtime = pool.ManagedRuntimeVersion;

    //get the name of the ApplicationPool
    string appPoolName = pool.Name;

    //get the identity type
    ProcessModelIdentityType identityType = pool.ProcessModel.IdentityType;

    //get the username for the identity under which the pool runs
    string userName = pool.ProcessModel.UserName;

    //get the password for the identity under which the pool runs
    string password = pool.ProcessModel.Password;

=> Creating a New Application Pool
ServerManager server = new ServerManager();

ApplicationPool myApplicationPool = null;

//we will create a new ApplicationPool named 'MyApplicationPool'
//we will first check to make sure that this pool does not already exist
//since the ApplicationPools property is a collection, we can use the Linq FirstOrDefault method
//to check for its existence by name
if (server.ApplicationPools != null && server.ApplicationPools.Count > 0)
    if (server.ApplicationPools.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "MyApplicationPool") == null)
        //if we find the pool already there, we will get a referecne to it for update
        myApplicationPool = server.ApplicationPools.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "MyApplicationPool");
        //if the pool is not already there we will create it
        myApplicationPool = server.ApplicationPools.Add("MyApplicationPool");
    //if the pool is not already there we will create it
    myApplicationPool = server.ApplicationPools.Add("MyApplicationPool");

if (myApplicationPool != null)
    //for this sample, we will set the pool to run under the NetworkService identity
    myApplicationPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType = ProcessModelIdentityType.NetworkService;

    //we set the runtime version
    myApplicationPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = "v4.0";

    //we save our new ApplicationPool!

if (myApplicationPool != null)
    //for this sample, we will set the pool to run under the identity of a specific user
    myApplicationPool.ProcessModel.IdentityType = ProcessModelIdentityType.SpecificUser;
    myApplicationPool.ProcessModel.UserName = UserName;
    myApplicationPool.ProcessModel.Password = Password;

    //we set the runtime version
    myApplicationPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = "v4.0";

    //we save our new ApplicationPool!

=>Creating a New Site

ServerManager server = new ServerManager();

if (server.Sites != null && server.Sites.Count > 0)
    //we will first check to make sure that the site isn't already there
    if (server.Sites.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "MySite") == null)
        //we will just pick an arbitrary location for the site
        string path = @"c:\MySiteFolder\";

        //we must specify the Binding information
        string ip = "*";
        string port = "80";
        string hostName = "*";

        string bindingInfo = string.Format(@"{0}:{1}:{2}", ip, port, hostName);

        //add the new Site to the Sites collection
        Site site = server.Sites.Add("MySite", "http", bindingInfo, path);

        //set the ApplicationPool for the new Site
        site.ApplicationDefaults.ApplicationPoolName = myApplicationPool.Name;

        //save the new Site!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Export data into excel and storing location excel outside network - sql

Below for the query for the export excel but make sure your network path will be in sharing

Insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=\\\test\dir\test.xls;',
'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from SQLTable

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Update a row and returning a value with one query - SQL

This will return single value which is updated
Inside can return multiple value also

You want the OUTPUT clause

UPDATE data SET count = count + 1
WHERE Id = @Id

Opps Part 1 : Abstraction

  Abstraction in C# is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows developers t...