Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sql server 2016 keyboard shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Move to the SQL Server Management Studio menu barALTALT
Activate the menu for a tool componentALT+HYPHENALT+HYPHEN
Display the context menuSHIFT+F10SHIFT+F10
Display the New File dialog box to create a fileCTRL+NCTRL+N
Display the New Project dialog box to create a new projectCTRL+SHIFT+NCTRL+SHIFT+N
Display the Open File dialog box to open an existing fileCTRL+O


Display the Open Project dialog box to open an existing projectCTRL+SHIFT+OCTRL+SHIFT+O
Display the Add New Item dialog box to add a new file to the current projectCTRL+SHIFT+ACTRL+SHIFT+A
Display the Add Existing Item dialog box to add an existing file to the current projectSHIFT+ALT+ASHIFT+ALT+A
Display the Query DesignerCTRL+SHIFT+QCTRL+SHIFT+Q
Close a menu or dialog box, canceling the actionESCESC

Windows Management and Toolbar Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Close the current MDI child windowCTRL+F4CTRL+F4
Close a menu or dialog box, cancels an operation in progress, or focuses on the current document windowESCESC
Close the current tool windowSHIFT+ESCSHIFT+ESC
Cycle through the next MDI child windowsCTRL+F6CTRL+TAB
Display the IDE navigator with the first document window selectedCTRL+TABNo equivalent
Cycle through the previous MDI child windowsCTRL+SHIFT+TABCTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Moves the insertion point to the drop-down bar located at the top of the code editor when the editor is in Code view or Server Code viewCTRL+F2No equivalent
Move to the current tool window toolbarSHIFT+ALTSHIFT+ALT
Display the IDE navigator with the first tool window selectedALT+F7No equivalent
Move to the next tool windowALT+F6


F6 in the Database Engine Query Editor
Move to the previous tool windowSHIFT+ALT+F7SHIFT+ALT+F7
Move to the next pane of a split pane view of a single documentF6F6
Move to the previously selected windowSHIFT+ALT+F6


SHIFT+F6 in the Database Engine Query Editor
Move to the previous pane of a split pane view of a single documentSHIFT+F6F6
Display the dock menuALT+MINUS SIGN (-)No equivalent
Display a popup listing all open windowsCTRL+ALT+DOWN ARROWNo equivalent
Opens a new query editor windowCTRL+OCTRL+O
Display Object ExplorerF8F8
Display Registered ServersCTRL+ALT+GCTRL+ALT+G
Display Template ExplorerCTRL+ALT+TCTRL+ALT+T
Display Solution ExplorerCTRL+ALT+LCTRL+ALT+L
Display the Summary WindowF7F7
Display the Properties WindowF4F4
Display the Output windowCTRL+ALT+ONo equivalent
Display the Task List windowCTRL+\, T


Toggle between Object Explorer Details list view and Object Explorer Details property pane.F6F6
Control the splitter bar that separates the Object Explorer Details list view and Object Explorer Details property pane to adjust the size of the display pane.TAB, then UP arrow or DOWN arrowTAB, then UP arrow or DOWN arrow
Display the ToolboxCTRL+ALT+XCTRL+ALT+X
Display the Bookmarks WindowCTRL+K, CTRL+WCTRL+K, CTRL+W
Display the Browser WindowCTRL+ALT+RCTRL+ALT+R
Display a smart tag menu of common commands for Web server controls in the HTML designerSHIFT+ALT+F10No equivalent
Display the Error List Window (Transact-SQL Editor only)CRTL+\, CTRL+E


Move to the next entry in the Error List window (Transact-SQL Editor only)CTRL+SHIFT+F12CTRL+SHIFT+F12
Display the previous page in the viewing history. Available only in the Web browser windowALT+LEFT ARROWNo equivalent
Display the next page in the viewing history. Available only in the Web browser windowALT+RIGHT ARROWNo equivalent

Cursor Movement Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Move the cursor leftLEFT ARROWLEFT ARROW
Move the cursor rightRIGHT ARROWRIGHT ARROW
Move the cursor upUP ARROWUP ARROW
Move the cursor downDOWN ARROWDOWN ARROW
Move the cursor to the beginning of the lineHOMEHOME
Move the cursor to the end of the lineENDEND
Move the cursor to the beginning of the documentCTRL+HOMECTRL+HOME
Move the cursor to the end of the documentCTRL+ENDCTRL+END
Move the cursor up one screenPAGE UPPAGE UP
Move the cursor down one screenPAGE DOWNPAGE DOWN
Moves the cursor one word to the rightCTRL+ RIGHT ARROWCTRL+ RIGHT ARROW
Moves the cursor one word to the leftCTRL+ LEFT ARROWCTRL+ LEFT ARROW
Returns the cursor to the last item.SHIFT+F8No equivalent
Moves the cursor to the top of the documentCTRL+PAGE UPNo equivalent
Moves to the previous tab in the documentCTRL+PAGE UP
Moves the cursor to the bottom of the documentCTRL+PAGE DOWNNo equivalent
Moves to the next tab in the documentCTRL+PAGE DOWNNo equivalent

Text Selection Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Select text from the cursor to the beginning of the documentCTRL+SHIFT+ HOMECTRL+SHIFT+ HOME
Select text from the cursor to the end of the documentCTRL+SHIFT+ENDCTRL+SHIFT+END
Select text from the cursor to the start of the current lineSHIFT+HOMESHIFT+HOME
Moves the cursor to the start of the current line and extends the column selectionSHIFT+ALT+HOMENo equivalent
Select text from the cursor to the end of the current lineSHIFT+ENDSHIFT+END
Moves the cursor to the end of the line, extending the column selection.SHIFT+ALT+ENDNo equivalent
Select text down line by line starting from the cursorSHIFT+ DOWN ARROWSHIFT+ DOWN ARROW
Moves the cursor down one line, extending the column selectionSHIFT+ Ctrl+Shift+Del
Moves the cursor one character to the left and extends the selectionSHIFT+LEFT ARROWNo equivalent
Moves the cursor one character to the left and extends the column selectionSHIFT+ALT+LEFT ARROWNo equivalent
Moves the cursor one character to the right and extends the selectionSHIFT+RIGHT ARROWNo equivalent
Moves the cursor one character to the righTt and extends the column selectionSHIFT+ALT+RIGHT ARROWNo equivalent
Select text up line by line starting from the cursorSHIFT+UP ARROWSHIFT+UP ARROW
Move the cursor up one line, extending the selectionSHIFT+ALT+ UP ARROWSHIFT+ALT+ UP ARROW
Extend selection up one pageSHIFT+ PAGE UPSHIFT+ PAGE UP
Extend selection down one pageSHIFT+ PAGE DOWNSHIFT+ PAGE DOWN
Select the entire current documentCTRL+ACTRL+A
Select the word containing the cursor, or the closest wordCTRL+WCTRL+W
Select the current location in the editor, back to the previous location in the editorCTRL+=CTRL+=
Extend the selection to the top of the current windowCTRL+SHIFT+ PAGE UPCTRL+SHIFT+ PAGE UP
Move the cursor to the last line in view, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+ PAGE DOWNCTRL+SHIFT+ PAGE DOWN
Extend the selection one word to the rightCTRL+SHIFT+ RIGHT ARROWCTRL+SHIFT+ RIGHT ARROW
Extend the selection one word to the leftCTRL+SHIFT+ LEFT ARROWCTRL+SHIFT+ LEFT ARROW
Move the cursor to the right one word, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+ RIGHT ARROWCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+ RIGHT ARROW
Move the cursor to the left one word, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+ LEFT ARROWCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+ LEFT ARROW
Move the cursor to the next brace, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+]No equivalent
Select the text from the current location of the cursor to the Navigate Backward (CTRL+MINUS SIGN (-)) locationCTRL+EQUAL SIGN (=)No equivalent
Go back to the previous document or window in the navigation historyCTRL+MINUS SIGN (-)No equivalent
Go forward to the next document or window in the navigation historyCTRL+SHIFT+MINUS SIGN (-)No equivalent
Swaps the anchor and end points of the current selectionCTRL+K, CTRL+ANo equivalent
Moves the cursor to the first line in view, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UPNo equivalent
Moves the cursor to the last line in view, extending the selectionCTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWNNo equivalent

Bookmark Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Set or remove a bookmark at the current lineCTRL+K, CTRL+KCTRL+K, CTRL+K
If the current bookmark is in a folder, moves to the next bookmark in the folder. Bookmarks outside the folder are skipped.

If the bookmark is not in a folder, moves to the next bookmark at the same level.

If the Bookmarks window contains folder, bookmarks in folders are skipped.
Previous bookmarkCTRL+K, CTRL+PCTRL+K, CTRL+P
If the current bookmark is in a folder, moves to the next bookmark in the folder. Bookmarks outside the folder are skipped.

If the bookmark is not in a folder, moves to the next bookmark at the same level.

If the Bookmarks window contains folder, bookmarks in folders are skipped.
Clear bookmarksCTRL+K, CTRL+LCTRL+K, CTRL+L

Tree Control Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Collapse tree nodes- (on the numeric keypad)- (on the numeric keypad)
Expand all tree nodes* (on the numeric keypad)* (on the numeric keypad)
Scroll the tree control up in the windowCTRL+UP ARROWCTRL+UP ARROW
Scroll the tree control down in the windowCTRL+DOWN ARROWCTRL+DOWN ARROW

Code Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

All shortcuts are not implemented in all types of code editors.
ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Toggle the full-screen displaySHIFT+ALT+ENTERSHIFT+ALT+ENTER
Scroll text up one lineCTRL+UP ARROWCTRL+UP ARROW
Scroll text down one lineCTRL+DOWN ARROWCTRL+ DOWN ARROW
Reverse the last editing actionCTRL+Z


Restore the previously undone editCTRL+SHIFT+Z








Save the selected itemCTRL+SCTRL+S
Open the current file in a browserCTRL+SHIFT+WNo equivalent
Delete all text in the current fileCTRL+SHIFT+DELCTRL+SHIFT+DEL
Display the Go To Line dialog boxCTRL+GCTRL+G
Display the Navigate To dialog box.CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+)No equivalent
Increase line indentTABTAB
Decrease line indentSHIFT+TABSHIFT+TAB
Make the selected text upper caseCTRL+SHIFT+UCTRL+SHIFT+U
Make the selected text lower caseCTRL+UCTRL+SHIFT+L
Make the selected text a commentCTRL+K, CTRL+CCTRL+K, CTRL+C
Uncomment the selected textCTRL+K, CTRL + UCTRL+K, CTRL + U
Open a new query with current connectionCTRL+NCTRL+N
Open database in Object ExplorerALT+F8ALT+F8
Specify values for template parametersCTRL+SHIFT+MCTRL+SHIFT+M
Run the selected portion of the query editor or the entire query editor if nothing is selectedF5






Parse the selected portion of the query editor or the entire query editor if nothing is selectedCTRL+F5CTRL+F5
Display the estimated execution planCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+LCTRL+L
Cancel the executing queryALT+BREAKALT+BREAK
Include actual execution plan in the query outputCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+MCTRL+M
Output results in a gridCTRL+SHIFT+DCTRL+D
Output results in text formatCTRL+TCTRL+T
Output results to a fileCTRL+SHIFT+TCTRL+SHIFT+F
Show or hide the query results paneCTRL+RCTRL+R
Show the query results paneCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+R
Toggle between query and results paneF6F6
Copy the result grid and headers to the clipboardCTRL+SHIFT+CNo equivalent
Move to the next active window in Management StudioALT+F6ALT+F6
Open SQL Server ProfilerCTRL+ALT+PCTRL+ALT+P
Display the Query Designer dialog from the query editor windowCTRL+SHIFT+QNo equivalent
Run the sp_help system stored procedureALT+F1ALT+F1
Run the sp_who system stored procedureCTRL+1CTRL+1
Run the sp_lock system stored procedureCTRL+2CTRL+2
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+3CTRL+3
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+4CTRL+4
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+5CTRL+5
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+6CTRL+6
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+7CTRL+7
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+7CTRL+7
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+8CTRL+8
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+9CTRL+9
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the ToolsOptionsKeyboardQuery Shortcuts dialogCTRL+0CTRL+0

Text Manipulation in Code Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Swap the characters on either side of the cursor (Does not apply to the SQL Editor.)CTRL+TCTRL+T
Delete one character to the right of the cursorDELETEDELETE
Delete one character to the left of the cursorBACKSPACE






Delete whitespace in the selection, or deletes whitespace adjacent to the cursor if there is no selectionCTRL+K, CNo equivalent
Insert the number of spaces configured for the editorTABTAB
Insert a blank line above the cursorCTRL+ENTERCTRL+ENTER
Insert a blank line below the cursorCTRL+SHIFT+ ENTERCTRL+SHIFT+ ENTER
Change the selected text to lowercaseCTRL+SHIFT+LCTRL+SHIFT+L
Change the selected text to uppercaseCTRL+SHIFT+UCTRL+SHIFT+U
Toggle between insert mode and overtype modeINSERTINSERT
Move selected lines to the left on tab stopSHIFT+TABSHIFT+TAB
Delete the word to the right of the cursorCTRL+DELETECTRL+DELETE
Delete the word to the left of the cursorCTRL+BACKSPACECTRL+BACKSPACE
Transpose the words on either side of the cursor (Does not apply to the SQL Editor.)CTRL+SHIFT+TCTRL+SHIFT+T
Moves the line containing the cursor below the next lineSHIFT+ALT+TNo equivalent
Applies the indenting and space formatting for the language specified on the Formatting pane of the language in the Text Editor section of the Options dialog. Available only in the text editor.CTRL+K, CTRL+DNo equivalent
Correctly indents the selected lines of code based on the surrounding lines of codeCTRL+K, CTRL+FNo equivalent
Set or remove a shortcut in the current lineCTRL+K, CTRL+HNo equivalent
Remove the comment syntax from the current lineCTRL+K, CTRL+UNo equivalent
Shows or hides spaces and tabsCTRL+R, CTRL+WNo equivalent
Enables or disables word wrap in an editorAlt+F, CTRL+WNo equivalent
Collapses all outlining regions to show just the outermost groups in the hierarchyCTRL+M, CTRL+ANo equivalent
Collapses the currently selected outlining regionCTRL+M, CTRL+SNo equivalent
Expands all outlining regions on the pageCTRL+M, CTRL+XNo equivalent
Expands the currently selected outlining regionCTRL+M, CTRL+ENo equivalent
Collapses existing outlining regionsCTRL+M, CTRL+O
Hides the selected text. A signal icon marks the location of the hidden textCTRL+M, CTRL+HNo equivalent
Toggles all text sections previously marked as hidden between the hidden and display states.CTRL+M, CTRL+LNo equivalent
Toggles the currently selected hidden text section between the hidden and display statesCTRL+M, CTRL+MNo equivalent
Removes all outlining information in the documentCTRL+M, CTRL+PNo equivalent
Removes the outlining information for the currently selected regionCTRL+M, CTRL+UNo equivalent

Transact-SQL Debugger Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Start or continue debuggingALT+F5ALT+F5
Stop debuggingSHIFT+F5SHIFT+F5
Step intoF11F11
Step overF10F10
Step outSHIFT+F11SHIFT+F11
Step into specific statementSHIFT+ALT+F11No equivalent
Set next statementCtrl+3 0No equivalent
Show next statementALT+NUMNo equivalent
Implement the Run To Cursor commandCTRL+F10CTRL+F10
Display the QuickWatch dialog boxCTRL+ALT+Q


Toggle breakpointF9F9
Enable breakpointCTRL+F9No equivalent
Delete the breakpoint. Only available in the Breakpoints windowALT+F9, DNo equivalent
Open the Edit breakpoint labels dialog. Only available in the Breakpoints windowALT+F9, LNo equivalent
Delete all breakpointsCTRL+SHIFT+F9CTRL+SHIFT+F9
Display the Breakpoints windowCTRL+ALT+BCTRL+ALT+B
Break at functionCTRL+BNo equivalent
Display the Watch 1 windowCTRL+ALT+W, 1No equivalent
Display the Watch 2 windowCTRL+ALT+W, 2CTRL+ALT+W, 1
Display the Watch 3 windowCTRL+ALT+W, 3CTRL+ALT+W, 3
Display the Watch 4 windowCTRL+ALT+W, 4CTRL+ALT+W, 4
Display the Autos windowCTRL+ALT+V, ACTRL+ALT+V, A
Display the Locals windowCTRL+ALT+V, LCTRL+ALT+V, L
Display the Immediate windowCTRL+ALT+ICTRL+ALT+I
Display the Call Stack windowCTRL+ALT+CCTRL+ALT+C
Display the Threads windowCTRL+ALT+HCTRL+ALT+H
Display the Parallel Stacks window.CTRL+SHIFT+D, SNo equivalent
Display the Parallel Tasks windowCTRL_SHIFT+D, KNo equivalent

Microsoft IntelliSense Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2


Complete wordCTRL+SPACE


Display quick informationCTRL+K, CTRL+INo equivalent
Display parameter informationCTRL+SHIFT+SPACECTRL+SHIFT+SPACE
Copy parameter tipCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+CNo equivalent
Paste parameter tipCTRL+SHIFT+ALT+PNo equivalent
Jump between syntax pairsCTRL+]CTRL+]
Launch code snippet pickerCTRL+K, CTRL+XCTRL+K, CTRL+Z
Refresh local cacheCTRL+SHIFT+RCTRL+SHIFT+R
Launch Surround With snippet pickerCTRL+K, CTRL+SCTRL+K, CTRL+S
Display the Code Snippet ManagerCTRL+K, CTRL+BNo equivalent
Changes the IntelliSense filter level from the Common tab to the All tab.ALT+PLUS SIGN (+)No equivalent
Changes the IntelliSense filter level from the All tab to the Common tab.ALT+PERIOD (.)No equivalent

Document Window and Browser Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Move to the next pane of a split pane view of a documentF6F6
Move to the previous document in the editor or designerCTRL+SHIFT+F6


Move to the previous pane of a document in split pane viewSHIFT+F6SHIFT+F6
Back, display the previous page in the viewing historyALT+LEFTARROWALT+LEFTARROW
Forward, display the next page in the viewing historyALT+RIGHTARROWALT+RIGHTARROW
Closes a menu or dialog box, cancels an operation in progress, or places focus in the current windowESCNo equivalent

Solution Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Display Solution ExplorerCTRL+ALT+LCTRL+ALT+L
Display the New File dialog box to create a new fileCTRL+NCTRL+N
Display the New Project dialog box to create a new projectCTRL+SHIFT+NCTRL+SHIFT+N
Display the Open File dialog box to open an existing fileCTRL+OCTRL+O
Change the name of the selected objectF2No equivalent

Help and Books Online Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2


Display SQL Server Books OnlineCTRL+F1No equivalent
Open the Help Library ManagerCTRL+ALT+F1No equivalent
Display the SQL Server Resource Center Web pageCTRL+ALT+F2No equivalent
Display help for the current editor windowSHIFT+F1No equivalent
Help on "How Do I"No equivalentCTRL+F1
Books Online ContentsNo equivalentCTRL+ALT+F1
Books Online IndexNo equivalentCTRL+ALT+F2
Help SearchNo equivalentCTRL+ALT+F3
Dynamic HelpNo equivalentCTRL+ALT+F4
Help FavoritesNo equivalentCTRL+ALT+F

Search Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Display the Find dialog boxCTRL+FCTRL+F
Displays the In Files tab of the Find dialog box.
Displays the definition for the selected symbol.F12No equivalent
Displays the list of references for the selected symbol.SHIFT+F12No equivalent
Display the Replace dialog boxCTRL+HCTRL+H
Start incremental search. Type the characters to search for or press CTRL+I to search for characters from the previous searchCTRL+ICTRL+I
Find the next occurrence of the previous search textF3F3
Find the previous occurrence of the search textSHIFT+F3SHIFT+F3
Find the next occurrence of the currently selected textCTRL+F3CTRL+F3
Find the previous occurrence of the currently selected textCTRL+SHIFT+F3CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Display the Replace in Files dialog boxCTRL+SHIFT+HCTRL+SHIFT+H
Reverse incremental search so it starts at the bottom of the file and searches to the topCTRL+SHIFT+ICTRL+SHIFT+I
Select or clear the Search up option in Find and ReplaceALT+F3, BALT+F3, B
Stop the Find in Files searchALT+F3, SALT+F3, S
Select or clear the Find whole word option in Find and ReplaceALT+F3, WALT+F3, W
Selects or clears the Wildcard option in Find and ReplaceALT+F3, PALT+F3, P
Place the caret in the Find/Command box of the Standard toolbarCTRL+/No equivalent

Cut and Paste Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Cut (delete the currently selected item and place it to the Clipboard)CTRL+X




Cuts all of the selected lines, or the current line if nothing is selected.CTRL+L


No equivalent
Copy to the ClipboardCTRL+C




Paste from the Clipboard at the insertion pointCTRL+V




Pastes an item from the Clipboard Ring at the insertion point and automatically selects the pasted itemCTRL+SHIFT+V


No equivalent

Log Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
RefreshNo equivalentF5
Move between the Select logs pane and the Log file summary paneNo equivalentF6
Move to the Log file summary paneNo equivalentALT+S
Load a new logNo equivalentCTRL+SHIFT+L
Export a logNo equivalentCTRL+SHIFT+E
Filter a logNo equivalentCTRL+SHIFT+F
Search in a logNo equivalentCTRL+SHIFT+S

Activity Monitor Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Launches Activity MonitorCTRLl+ALT+ACTRLl+ALT+A
Closes Activity MonitorCTRL+F4CTRL+F4
Filter the monitor displayCTRL+SHIFT+FCTRL+SHIFT+F
Cycle through panelsF6F6
Expand or collapse selected paneCTRL and + or -CTRL and + or -
Expand or collapse all panes+ or -+ or -
Copies entire selected row in gridCTRL+CCTRL+C
Drop-down for filtering in gridALT+DOWNALT+DOWN
Scroll up or down Activity MonitorCTRL+ALT+UP/DOWNCTRL+ALT+UP/DOWN

Replication Monitor Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Open a detail window from a gridENTERENTER

Replication Conflict Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Define filterF6F6
Apply filterF7F7
Show all columnsF8F8

Query Designer Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Cancels or stops the currently running queryCTRL+TCTRL+T
Displays the diagram pane of the Query DesignerCTRL+1CTRL+1
Displays the criteria pane of the Query DesignerCTRL+2CTRL+2
Displays the SQL pane of the Query DesignerCTRL+3CTRL+3
Displays the results pane of the Query DesignerCTRL+4CTRL+4
Run the query specified in the Query DesignerCTRL+RCTRL+R
When in the results pane, moves focus to the tool strip docked at the bottom of the designerCTRL+GCTRL+G
Enables JOIN mode in the Query DesignerCTRL+SHIFT+JCTRL+SHIFT+J

Designer Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Move the selected control down in increments of 8 on the design surfaceDOWN ARROWNo equivalent
Move the selected control left in increments of 8 on the design surfaceLEFT ARROWNo equivalent
Move the selected control right in increments of 8 on the design surfaceRIGHT ARROWNo equivalent
Move the selected control up in increments of 8 on the design surfaceUP ARROWNo equivalent
Increases the height of the selected control in increments of 8SHIFT+DOWN ARROWNo equivalent
Reduces the width of the selected control in increments of 8SHIFT+LEFT ARROWNo equivalent
Increases the width of the selected control in increments of 8SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWNo equivalent
Decreases the height of the selected control in increments of 8SHIFT+UP ARROWNo equivalent
Moves to the next control on the pageTABNo equivalent
Moves to the previous control on the pageSHIFT+TABNo equivalent
Display the grid on the design surfaceENTERNo equivalent

Opps Part 1 : Abstraction

  Abstraction in C# is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows developers t...